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Learn Photography

Smart phones with inbuilt cameras have revolutionised picture taking. It means anyone can learn photography and take great photos without buying expensive equipment. One of the most important and effective skills to learn is photo composition.

Photo Composition Introduction – Part 1

By Mike Browne, October 19, 2012

Composing photos isn’t rocket science, but for most of us it doesn’t come naturally either. There are tricks we can use in our photo composition which when you think about them make perfect sense.

When we look at a scene in reality we see the subject in the middle of our field of view. But by composing a photo with the subject smack in the middle can look pretty dull. When you compose a photo try and bring where you’re looking away from the subject and look all around the edges of the camera’s viewfinder. Look at the image – not just the subject. Ask yourself if it looks pleasing? Would it look better if I twist or tilt the camera a bit?

Watch for things growing out the side of people’s heads and move the camera around so everything lines up in a pleasing way to look at. This is called composition alignment (…) and it’s amazing what you can do without moving your subject. Don’t be lazy – move yourself.

BTW – did you recognise my ‘lovely’ photography assistant?

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Learn Photography with Mike Browne.

Source: Mike Browne

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